Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Kursus di J.B
This story is not a long time to say so too ... it was three weeks ago .. but I want tell the story
hani went to Academy course, Jalan Kebun The, JB .. english Course .. many benefits to go there .. a long time not going to learn ..
Let's see the photo
ni sevonier dr JB..ingat kawan2 kat ofis..

The second night the streets with my friends .

write activity message

front door of the academy

in the class

sight seeing with 2 men n my roommate..'s delicious..

This delicious food from the johor

i've to learn more write,speak,reading in english..if this blog is not good i'm sorry..
Posted by Hanie(SHMA) at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Alhamdullilah br smpi umah..pagi td pegi KL..g studio APA KATA WANITA..masuk tv tu..hehhe..nnt hani upload gambar yer..
Posted by Hanie(SHMA) at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Apa Kata Wanita Zamzarina bersama Puspanita JPJ Perak

Posted by Hanie(SHMA) at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
18 month's injection
2 minggu lepas qistina g klinik tuk injeksyen 18 bulan,,,kali ni dahpindah ke bangunan baru...yg lama da x da..klinik besar la juga dari sebelum ni...sajer g klinik ni..mmg la jauh dari ofis n rumah sebab dah biasa ngan nurse2 kat sini,..baik2 belaka...
1st appoiment g qistina x berapa sihat demam sket,batuk n nurse x bg dtg lepas wesak..
lepas qistina kene injek nangis kejap jer..nurse ckp injek kali ni budak akan demam..kalo lepas injek terus makan ubat...ptg lepas amik dr taska mmg dia x la berapa kuat sgt suhu dia..huhuhu...nk nangis ngada2 jer dia..x boleh nk lepas..
alhamdullillah demam sehari jer,,sok nya dia dah ok..
jom lyn gambor
Posted by Hanie(SHMA) at 8:45 PM 1 comments